Saturday, July 17, 2010

1 Book down!

I finally finished my first book from my list! I would like to thank my wife Amanda, the only one who hasn't mocked me for either the list I have chosen or my aspirations to finish it.

I promised to give my feedback for the books I read, so here it goes:

I really liked this book. I think this book captured the good and evil capabilities within both sides of the French Revolution. This is also a great story of repentance and redemption.

I also liked Charles Dickens' writing style. He is great at using literary devices to demonstrate his points.

You should read it.

My favourite quote-

Troubled as the future was, it was the unknown future, and in its obscurity there was ignorant hope.


  1. Umm, I hate to point it out BUT you forgot to mention which book. I know and you know but not everyone else does.

  2. A Tale of Two Cities, yes? Good job, Steven! My fave character from that one is Madame Defarge.

  3. I'm starting War and Peace on Monday, and you should too, because once you've read that one, you'll be halfway done. The table of contents in mine is thirteen pages long.

  4. That one is probably last David...

  5. Ha ha, War and Peace makes me think of Star Gate Atlantis.

  6. That's what happens when you are a nerd

  7. Congratulations! You will be so cultured by the time you have your own library, garden, and piano. :) A Tale of Two Cities is on my reading list as well and now I'm looking forward to it even more.
