Well this post is a change from the norm. Usually I complain about something, or try to explain how my insanity works. Today, I am grateful.
I have been given so much in my life. More than I will ever possibly deserve. Every time I think that the Lord has blessed me way too much, he gives me even more blessings.
First of all, I am blessed with the best parents that I have ever seen on this Earth. They taught me knowledge, culture, spirituality, gratitude, and eternal love. My sister isn't too bad either :)
When I came home from my mission, I was blessed with confidence I never felt before. I was able to talk to people like I never had before. In only weeks, I found my best friend.
My grades improved dramatically, and my study habits had changed. I found joy in everything in my life. I found my eternal companion in my best friend. As soon as I wanted to get married, a job fell directly into my lap.
Amanda is my greatest source of joy in my life. As well as happiness, she gives me strength and desire to be better. She helps me to understand people better, and to be more compassionate.
Now, as I approach graduate school someday, I have been trying to get in a lab, so I can begin research opportunities. The very first time that I asked, I was given a project immediately. Now today I have been given an opportunity to do research in the lab that I have wanted to be in during the summer.
I can't possibly understand why I have been given all of these things. I am also grateful for all of the friends that I have, who put up with my insanity.
"The poor man shuddered, overflowed with an angelic joy... he said to himself that he really had not suffered enough to deserve such radiant happiness, and he thanked God, in the depths of his soul, for having permitted that he, a miserable man, should be so loved" Victor Hugo